What is the rental deposit in Luxembourg?
Rental deposit amount
Under certain conditions, the Ministry of Housing and Spatial Planning can act as a guarantor for the required amount.
In return, the tenant commits to saving the total amount of the rental deposit over a period of 3 years
Find out if you are eligible to the Rental Deposit
Rental deposit conditions
You must
- be of legal age and have a right of residence in Luxembourg for more than 3 months
- have signed a rental lease contract
- not have paid the required rental deposit amount to the landlord
- not be the owner, co-owner, usufructuary, emphyteutic or holder of a surface right of more than one-third of another property in Luxembourg or abroad
- have regular income for at least 3 months
- have concluded a conditional deposit contract with a bank
- have a monthly rent (excluding charges) that is equal to or less than 50% of your income
- commit to saving the total amount of the rental deposit over a period of 3 years
Your domestic community must
- have income below the limit set by law.
Your accommodation must
- be located in Luxembourg
- serve as your main and permanent residence.
- be a private rental housing, not rented out by a public entity (e.g., Fonds du Logement, SNHBM, municipality, social housing agency, non-profit association, etc.)
- not be rented by a first-degree ascendant or descendant
How to apply for a rental deposit?
Submit your application to the Guichet unique des aides au logement of the Ministry of Housing and Spatial Planning, using a designated form.
Send the original form – duly completed and signed – to the Guichet unique des aides au logement by mail or directly to their offices.
Guichet unique aides au logement
11, rue de Hollerich
L-1741 – Luxembourg
You can also apply per email at : guichet@ml.etat.lu,
Note: an application submitted by email must be confirmed in writing by the administration.