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Rent Subsidy

Need financial help to pay your rent every month?

Receive a monthly amount to help you pay your rent.

Rent subsidy amount

Between €10 and a maximum of €520 per month, depending on income and household composition.

Simulate the amount of the rent subsidy using the Rent subsidy simulator.

Conditions for receiving a subsidy

You must

  • be of legal age and have a right of residence in Luxembourg for at least 3 months
  • have signed a rental lease contract
  • have a monthly rent (excluding charges) that exceeds 25% of the domestic community’s net income

Your domestic community must

  • not own more than one-third of another property in Luxembourg or abroad
  • have an income below the legal limit
  • have regular income

How to apply for a subsidy?

Submit your application to the Guichet unique des aides au logement of the Ministry of Housing and Spatial Planning, using the designated form.

Send the original application form – duly completed and signed – to the Guichet unique des aides au logement by mail or directly to their offices.

Guichet unique aides au logement
11, rue de Hollerich
L-1741 – Luxembourg

You can also apply by email at:

Note: an application submitted by email must be confirmed in writing by the administration.

In theory, the aid is granted from the date of application, if all conditions are met at that time.


How can the application be submitted?

Applicants must apply to the Housing Aid Service (SAL)1 of the Ministry of Housing using a specific form. The

original form – duly filled in and signed – can be submitted to the SAL by mail or by depositing at their offices.

Applications submitted electronically (to the e-mail address: are accepted, but applicants will have to confirm it in writing (a confirmation document will be provided by the SAL).

The postal address is as follows:

Service des aides au logement
11, rue de Hollerich
L-1741 – Luxembourg

Which documents should be attached to the application?

The documents to be provided are the following:

  • a copy of the lease contract, dated and signed by the applicant and the landlord, or any other document that can prove the existence of a verbal lease agreement in accordance with the Residential Lease Act2
  • proof of payment of rent
  • copy of the salary certificate(s) for the year preceding the year of application
    – in case of a change in employment status: the last 3 salary slips
  • documents proving any other income of the domestic community, such as:
    – bank account statements showing the amount of a maintenance allowance
    – bank account statements showing the amount of pensions received from a foreign organisation
  • a recent certificate of affiliation issued by the Joint Social Security Centre (CCSS)3 for persons living with the applicant
  • if the applicant does not have Luxembourg nationality, a valid certificate relating to the applicant’s right of residence (registration certificate, permanent residence certificate, residence permit, residence card)

A subsidy cannot be granted if the file is incomplete. In this case, the person in charge of the file will request the documents needed to process the application further.

Important: When filling in the form, applicants have the possibility to authorise the SAL to access some of their personal data held by other administrations, in this case the National Solidarity Fund (FNS) and the Children’s Future Fund (CAE)4

With this authorisation, the SAL has the possibility to retrieve some of the required documents to process the initial application or the annual review more quickly. If applicants do not consent, they will be requested to provide these additional documents.

When can the application be submitted?

The application can be submitted at any time of the year.

In principle, the aid is granted from the date of application, if all conditions are met at the time of application.

When are the rent subsidy payments made?

The rent subsidy is paid monthly during the second half of the month.

Is it possible to receive an advance payment on the rent subsidy pending the final decision?

It is not possible to receive an advance payment on the rent subsidy.
The SAL processes applications and documents according to their date of submission to ensure fair treatment of applications.

Why did I not get the full amount of the rent subsidy?

The amount of the monthly aid is always the maximum granted based on income of the domestic community.

From a certain income level, the amount of the rent subsidy decreases according to the income of the domestic community.

If the income of the domestic community exceeds the statutory income limit, the rent subsidy is no longer due.

How is the composition of the domestic community determined?

To determine the domestic community, the SAL takes into account the applicant and the people living with him.

Does the SAL need to be informed if the composition of the domestic community changes?

In accordance with the legal provisions, the amount of the rent subsidy varies according to the domestic composition of the applicant.

Any change in the composition of the household must therefore be reported to the SAL so that the amount of the subsidy can be reassessed.

If the applicant fails to inform the SAL of any change in their situation that could affect the grant, the unduly granted financial aid must be repaid.

What is considered for the income of the domestic community?

The income of the domestic community used as the basis for the calculation is the sum of:

  • all net income used to determine the amount of income tax (for example: salary, pension, annuity), minus social security contributions and tax paid
  • maternity or sick leave allowances;
  • the parental leave allowance;
  • maintenance payments received;
  • accident annuities;
  • income paid by the National Solidarity Fund (e.g.: REVIS5, allowance for severely disabled persons);
  • gross earnings allocated for overtime hours.

The combined income of all people living in the dwelling rented by the applicant and who are registered residents at this place (for example: parents, the applicant’s children or any other person), is taken into account.

Maintenance payments are deducted.

Social benefits are not taken into account in the domestic community’s income (family benefits, back-to-school allowance, child allowance, cost-of-living allowance, etc.).

Does the SAL need to be informed if the income of the domestic community changes?

The amount of the rent subsidy is determined, in addition to other criteria, by the income of the domestic community. Therefore, any change of employer, employment status, etc. of a person in the domestic community needs to be reported.

Is it possible to benefit from the rent subsidy by being registered at a “reference address”?

Yes, but only upon reasoned application and approval by the Minister.

The applicant must live in the dwelling for which the rent subsidy is requested in order to be eligible for the aid.

In order to verify compliance with this condition, Article 2, paragraph 1 of the Act provides that “the applicant shall be declared at the address of the dwelling which is their main and permanent residence”.

However, in accordance with paragraph 2 of the same article, the Minister may derogate from this condition, upon written, duly substantiated and documented request for reasons relating to the family, financial or health situation.

Is it possible to reapply for the rent subsidy after the first application has been refused?

New applications can be submitted at any time. The case is reassessed and aid is granted from the date of the request of review on, if conditions are met.

To which account is the rent subsidy transferred?

The rent subsidy is paid into the bank account indicated by the applicant on the application form.

In the case of financial management by a Social Office, the aid is transferred to the Social Office’s bank account if a copy of the relevant mandate is included in the application

Can the account number to which the rent subsidy is transferred be changed?

Upon written and signed request, the beneficiary may ask at any time for the aid to be transferred to a different bank account.